True leadership is about who you are

Positive leadership

Positive leadership in times of shortages & crisis-management

Positive leadership plays a critical role in crisis management and decision-making. Positive leaders approach crises with a calm and composed demeanor, which helps to keep employees and other stakeholders calm and focused. 

Positive leaders create a positive environment, which leads to greater job satisfaction and employee retention. 


5 benefits of Positive leadership

  1. Improved employee engagement and motivation: Positive leaders create a work environment that is energizing and inspiring, which leads to higher levels of employee engagement and motivation. Employees who are engaged and motivated are more likely to be invested in their work and to be committed to achieving organizational goals.
  2. Increased productivity and performance: Positive leaders create an environment that fosters creativity, innovation and risk-taking, which leads to better performance and productivity. Employees who feel valued, respected and supported are more likely to be productive and to perform at their best.
  3. Enhanced collaboration and teamwork: Positive leaders foster an environment of trust, respect and cooperation, which encourages collaboration and teamwork. Employees who feel part of a team and who have positive working relationships with their colleagues are more likely to be engaged, motivated and productive.
  4. Greater job satisfaction and employee retention: Positive leaders create an environment that is enjoyable and fulfilling to work in, which leads to greater job satisfaction and employee retention. Employees who are satisfied with their work and who feel valued are more likely to stay with the organization and to be committed to achieving organizational goals.
  5. A more positive and supportive work culture: Positive leaders create a culture that is positive, supportive and empowering, which leads to a better work environment for everyone. Employees who feel supported, respected and valued are more likely to be engaged, motivated and productive, which leads to better performance and productivity for the organization as a whole.

Definition and Characteristics

Positive leadership in the workplace is a leadership style that focuses on creating a positive, supportive and empowering work environment for employees. This style of leadership is characterized by a focus on strengths, opportunities and solutions, rather than on weaknesses, problems and obstacles. Positive leaders believe in the potential of their employees and work to create an environment that fosters creativity, innovation and risk-taking.

Characteristics of Positive leadership in the workplace are:

  • Visionary: Positive leaders have a clear and compelling vision of the future and inspire their employees to work towards it.
  • Empowering: Positive leaders give their employees the autonomy and resources they need to be successful.
  • Supportive: Positive leaders provide emotional and practical support to their employees.
  • Encouraging: Positive leaders inspire their employees to take on new challenges and to reach their full potential.
  • Trusting: Positive leaders trust their employees to make good decisions and to do the right thing.
  • Collaborative: Positive leaders work closely with their employees and encourage teamwork and cooperation.
  • Adaptable: Positive leaders are flexible and adaptable and can adjust their leadership style to suit different situations.
  • Authentic: Positive leaders are genuine and authentic in their interactions with their employees.
  • Optimistic: Positive leaders maintain a positive and optimistic outlook, even in the face of adversity.
  • Appreciative: Positive leaders show appreciation and recognition for their employees’ hard work and achievements.


Positive leadership is strongly related to transformational leadership.


Downsides of positive leadership

Positive leadership can also have its downsides: 

  • Lack of structure: Positive leaders may not provide enough guidance or structure for their followers, which can lead to confusion and lack of direction.
  • Inability to address negative issues: Positive leaders may avoid addressing negative issues or problems, which can lead to them escalating and becoming more difficult to solve in the long run.
  • Dependence on the leader: Followers may become too dependent on the positive leader, leading to difficulty functioning without their guidance.
  • High expectations: Positive leaders may set high expectations for their followers, which can lead to disappointment and demotivation if they are not met.
  • Positive leaders can be perceived as insincere or inauthentic: People may view positive leadership as a kind of manipulation rather than genuine support and guidance.
Positive leadership

Positive leadership and crisis management

In crisis management and decision-making, positive leadership is crucial. Positive leaders tackle emergencies with a calm and controlled manner, which helps workers and other stakeholders in remaining calm and focused. They may also provide hope and optimism, which can assist to reduce worry and uncertainty.

In times of crisis, positive leaders use their effective communication skills to keep employees and other stakeholders informed and engaged. They provide clear and consistent information and communicate their expectations and plans in a transparent and honest way. They also actively listen to the concerns and ideas of their employees and other stakeholders, and involve them in the decision-making process. Read Crisis Communication Tips: From Panic to Preparedness if you’d like to know more. 

Positive leaders are also effective problem-solvers, who focus on finding solutions and opportunities, rather than dwelling on problems and obstacles. They are able to think creatively and innovatively and make decisions that are in the best interests of the organization and its employees.

Positive leaders also possess emotional intelligence that allows them to empathize and understand the emotional state of their employees and other stakeholders. They are able to create a sense of calm and assurance, which can help to alleviate anxiety and uncertainty.

Overall, positive leadership is important in crisis management and decision-making because it helps to create a sense of calm, hope and optimism, it enables effective communication and problem-solving, and it fosters a culture of trust and collaboration, which can help organizations to navigate through difficult situations and emerge stronger.


Positive leadership in times of labor shortages

In these times of labor shortages, companies must do all possible to retain workers and recruit fresh talent. Positive leadership is a great instrument to achieve this. 

  1. Talent Acquisition: Positive leaders create a culture that is positive, supportive and empowering, which can be a strong selling point for potential employees. Organizations with a positive reputation for leadership and culture are more likely to attract top talent, as jobseekers are often looking for a positive and supportive work environment.
  2. Employee engagement: Positive leaders create an environment that is energizing and inspiring, which leads to higher levels of employee engagement and motivation. Employees who are engaged and motivated are more likely to be invested in their work and to be committed to achieving organizational goals.
  3. Recognition and Appreciation: Positive leaders show appreciation and recognition for their employees’ hard work and achievements, employees feel valued and respected, and this can lead to a higher level of employee satisfaction, motivation, and commitment to the organization.
  4. Professional Development: Positive leaders invest in the development and growth of their employees by providing training and development opportunities. Employees who feel that their growth and development are important to the organization are more likely to stay with the organization and to be committed to achieving organizational goals.
  5. Employee Retention: Positive leaders create a work environment that is enjoyable and fulfilling to work in, which leads to greater job satisfaction and employee retention. Employees who are satisfied with their work and who feel valued are more likely to stay with the organization and to be committed to achieving organizational goals.

Recommended Books

  1. How to Be a Positive Leader: Small Actions, Big Impact by Jane E. Dutton
  2. “Leading with Gratitude: Eight Leadership Practices for Extraordinary Business Results” by John Izzo and Eric Klein
  3. “The Power of Positive Leadership: How and Why Positive Leaders Transform Teams and Organizations and Change the World” by Jon Gordon
  4. “The Positive Impact Leader: How to Develop and Lead a High-Performing Team” by Jim Harter, Ph.D.

Joyce Russel wrote an interesting article about positive leadership in Forbes. 

If you’d like to compare positive leadership with other styles of leadership, you can read this post: Leadership Styles, Why and When They Matter.



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